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Newborn Session

As a momma of 2 beautiful boys I understand what a beautiful, crazy, but sweet time of life this is! From your little one's tiny button nose, to those little fingers wrapped around yours, I am here to capture it all so you can forever remember the little tuft of hair you first saw on the ultrasound. Have some big brothers or sisters? They get to join the fun as well! 
Ideally, your newborn session would take place within the first 10 days of your precious bundle's earth side arrival. 
If we need to take a feeding break, not a problem!
All you need to worry about is enjoying your baby and I will take care of the rest. 

What does a newborn session look like?

The Newborn Session

2 hour session


The First Year

Includes Newborn, 6 month, and 1 year Session


Maternity & Newborn

30 minute maternity session & 2 hour newborn session


Contact Me

I would love to hear from you and answer any questions you have!!

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